Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Because of that...

...I gradually came to; a) relax a great deal about things in general, b) realise that things were probably really quite unlike anything we experienced, or even could experience and c) I forgot why exactly I'd even started following the man in the first place!

I found out after a while (from comments by a park policeman, and newspaper cuttings in the library)
that Mr.Ambiguo had actually been Professor Ambiguo, some hot-shot, sought-after intellectual who had written books and conducted studies on the phenomena of cognitive dissonance and confusion.

I tried reading some of his published works, and I obviously wasn't the only one who found the implications of this stuff head-twisting, as John Ambiguo himself had eventually gone 'mad' according to society, and chosen to live in the park, with the birds and the squirrels.

He spent some time living with me, turning my flat upside-down in the process, and left his indelible mark on what wonders became of my life.

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